I’m a well-rounded digital marketer with experience in B2B and B2C marketing across a variety of industries. I enjoy identifying potential areas for improvement within a business and have a particular interest in creating meaningful, timely interactions with the customer that result in a positive experience.
As a child I attended multiple schools in countries such as Pakistan, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and the United Kingdom. This not only made me adaptable, but it has also given me an appreciation and understanding of cultural norms and nuances that can be advantageous in the digital age where we address global audiences.
I excel at thinking outside the box, backing my ideas with evidence & logic, then inspiring others to get on board. In the workplace, I thrive on variety, ownership, responsibility and creating great working relationships. I like to be challenged through continual learning and getting involved with projects outside my day-to-day.
RIASEC Career Modeling identified my dominant personality traits as enterprising and Investigative. This combination occurs in a very small percentage of the population and is rare because of the opposing nature of the traits. I believe these traits are expressed most noticeably (in me) as creative and analytical tendencies.
"The Mastermind archetype(E-I) is actually made up of two opposite functions and is therefore a rare archetype, making up only 1–2% of the population. Masterminds(E-I) tend to be entrepreneurial, extroverted, and assertive while also introspective, curious, and logical. Their natural curiosity for the world and passion for launching projects can often mean that Masterminds are one of the more ambitious archetypes."*
The six Holland Codes are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC Career Model).

*REISIC Career Model - Careerexplorer.com